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Gastronomic Experiences in Fuerteventura

Gastronomic Experiences in Fuerteventura

The Canary Islands as a whole, and Fuerteventura in particular, is famous for its dramatic tableaus — consisting of white beaches, crystal clear waters and volcanic fields with an undeniable alien quality to them.

This also means that most visitors to the island are usually preoccupied with one of two things — spending their days lazying on the pristine beaches or conducting pulse-racing activities in the island’s rugged interior.

But there’s another type of traveler who frequents these shores, a connoisseur with an eye — and a palate — for the unusual and the downright extraordinary. People who know that the true treasures of the island aren’t to be found in the shadow of a volcano — but rather waiting on a plate during one of the many gastronomic experiences in Fuerteventura.

Food tours

Fuerteventura has a distinct and proud food heritage that dates back to pre-Spanish times. Majorero is a word that you’ll often encounter on food tours in Fuerteventura — and while it shares its name with the famous cheese it simply means “from Fuerteventura.”

During these culinary wanderings, you’ll encounter a number of dishes that are truly Majorero — like the iconic goat meat dish the island is famous for or a plate of el gofio, a delicious flour made from corn and wheat.

A food tour in Fuerteventura isn't only one of the most scrumptious ways you can spend your time on the island, but it also grants you a look into the local way of life while experiencing the hospitality of the Canarians.

Wine tours and tastings

“Wine?” you may ask, with a creeping hint of incredulity. Don’t worry, that’s the normal reaction when people learn that this seemingly barren stretch of land has been producing wine for well over 600 years — and it’s not been easy.

A wine tour and tasting on Fuerteventura is the perfect opportunity to view this fascinating process — as well as the iconic vineyards that lend an even more alienlike nature to an already strange landscape.

The unique climate and distinctive soil combine to create grapes of wonderful quality — perfectly sweetened by the scorching sun and imbued with the distinctive terroir of the black volcanic soil.

Cheese tastings

Fuerteventura has a long and proud history of cheesemaking — with its most famous curdled export, Majorero cheese, being crowned as one of the best cheeses in the world on multiple occasions. In fact, the cheese is so good that only Majorero from Fuerteventura is allowed to be called such under European law — putting it in the same category as Champagne, Parmigiano Reggiano and Cognac.

Cheese produced in Fuerteventura usually has one ingredient in common — the local goats that graze upon this rugged land. Milk from these animals imparts a variety of aromatics into the cheese, as well as a surprising richness and fattiness. The best way to enjoy this famous cheese, as well as a variety of other dairy products is during a cheese tasting in Fuerteventura.

Chocolate tastings

A small yield of cocoa beans is grown in the Canary Islands every year — making it the only area within the European Union capable of producing the legendary crop. This also gives visitors the unique chance of visiting a chocolatier and enjoying a chocolate treat where every ingredient came from during a chocolate tasting in Fuerteventura.

There are a number of chocolatiers on the island, all working wonders with local produce — and there's even a wine tour or two where the wines are expertly paired with these creamy delights.


One of the best ways to experience the hospitality of Fuerteventura’s local people is to join them during a dinner or a meal. Doing so will allow you to learn about local customs and traditions while digging into something delicious.

Dinners in Fuerteventura come in a variety of forms — and may entail anything from a meal shared at a local house to a multi-course offering onboard a yacht while watching the sunset.