Louise Pieterse

Travel Content Writer



Roaming the world with a pen in one hand and a camera in the other, I’m a storytelling nomad on a never-ending adventure. With a journalism degree as my compass, I craft vibrant narratives that transport you to exotic destinations and whip up tantalizing tales about food, lifestyle, and entertainment. Through my craft, I don’t only aim to capture picturesque landscapes or famed landmarks; I freeze raw, unfiltered moments—the candid seconds when the sparkle fades and authenticity shines. Whether biking the remote highlands of Asia or breaking bread in Barcelona, I’m on a perpetual quest for those genuine, unscripted moments that connect us all. Join me on my globetrotting journey through life’s uncharted chapters.

Antecedentes de viaje

I have traveled to numerous Asian countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Georgia and Turkey, as well as almost 20 destinations in Europe scattered across 7 countries. Closer to home, I have also visited a few parts of southern Africa such as Mozambique, Botswana and Namibia.

Mejores experiencias de viaje

It sounds cliche but I will never forget the sunrise over Cappadocia. It is one of those major bucket list things I wanted to see but this time I was able to do it with my two best friends and my mother as we took on a cross-country road trip in Turkey.